So many people think that loving someone means
just accepting them the way they are.
This is a subtle twist of the truth.
Sometimes truly loving someone means not making
them feel good about the wrong they are doing.
Sometimes the difficult things to say must be said.
If you are truly a friend.
I may think I am doing right and that everything is ok.
But if you are truly a friend you will help me to see the truth.
Your words may bring discomfort.
Anguish, tears and pain.
Your words may cause sadness and heart wrenching grief.
But if they are never spoken...
will I ever see the need for my heart to change?
Maybe you can help me.
Spare me from an even greater grief and sadness.
Maybe your words, spoken in love, can nudge me
onto the right path.
I believe that the words that at first are hard to take in,
are the words that eventually bring healing.
The medicine that tastes bad going down,
eventually brings comfort.
If God's Word is what you treasure above all else...
You will speak out against what He does not accept.
This truly is love.
Better is open rebuke
than hidden love.
Faithful are the wounds of a friend;
profuse are the kisses of an enemy.
Proverbs 27:5-6
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