May 4, 2013

Coming Home {writing prompt}

Lately, we have been getting our house ready to sell.  Not very long after our trip to California the plans were made to build a closet in the boy's room.  To think!  That we were actually planning on preparing for this closet to be built while we were gone on our trip.  We realized we were in over our heads when we considered all of the books and furniture that we had to move and get out of the way for this project.  And all of that would take place at about the same time that I needed to pack for the trip!  Thankfully, we decided to postpone until we returned.

Beginning the project after we returned also had it's challenges.  A family of nine coming back to a house with all of their suitcases that needed to be unpacked as well as carry on with the every day stuff of life seemed like such a mountain to climb.  And after over a week of having meals made for us and/or delivered hot and ready...well let's just say it took some adjusting.  ;)

I am beginning to get rather accustomed to having things out of place.  First the closet, then the packing, now the painting...and more packing.  The painting has had it's enjoyable moments.  Singing along to music while everyone pulls together to get the job done.  Everyone is assigned tasks that they are capable of doing and there is always plenty of work to go around.  I strategically approach the painting of walls with small children in the house.  We have had some rainy weather which means I can't send them outside.  So we start by painting all the high spots that little hands can't reach and by the time we finish that, Isabel is about ready for her nap.  And guess what we scramble to get done while she is sleeping and the others watch a movie?  I am actually enjoying the satisfaction of painting.  The trim looks whiter and shinier than ever.  I really wish we had done this a long time ago...or do I?

I have to wonder...because there is also the stressful side of things.  We have been busy at work from the time we finish eating breakfast until close to bed time.  The children are getting breaks...really they can only do so much.  Yet, I think they feel that more often than not they are being put to work.  It's the nature of things right now.  We have to work together to pull the load.

There have been some frustrations.  And there have been tears to go along with them.  Resolving conflicts between children...wondering who's crying and why?  Is that the cry of a child in serious physical pain or the cry of a child that didn't get their way?  Usually it's the latter.  Sometimes it is the former.  There are often interruptions to my moments of reverie while gently applying brush strokes to the baseboards.  All of this just makes the quiet moments all the richer and the happy times of laughing together all the sweeter.  We have had our challenges but we are learning to work together as a team.

Honestly, I think that what lies ahead will pose an even greater challenge.  When we get a phone call informing us that someone wants to look at the house, we may not have much time to tidy up and get out the door.  But get out the door we must.  The particular challenge I envision will be pulling Isabel out of her crib during her nap.  She takes a long morning nap and an afternoon nap.  Somehow I doubt that those calls will always come in between those naps.  Our goal is to have a game plan in place so that everyone will know what to do in case of "the call".

I know it sounds stressful and it probably will be.  We will need God's help.  We will pray like we did last night, asking him for help and to continue working in our self-centered hearts to teach us to love one another more.  At times we need to regain our focus and remember to thank him for his goodness.  I anticipate that at times "the call" will feel like both a blessing and curse.  I don't relish the idea of having to pack everybody up and leave at a moments notice.  But I have to remind myself that God is with us and it is what he has given us to do right now.  He will give grace to walk through unpleasant and undesirable circumstances.  And hopefully, through it all, we'll learn to be more like Jesus.

Linking up for the writing prompt here:


  1. Moving brings on so much stress! I don't like moving at all. Do you already have another house picked?
    I will be praying for you and this transition!

    1. Thanks, Ellen! We have looked at some houses online but the real serious looking will begin when our house sells. :)

  2. The thought of moving makes me shudder. Good luck with your house sale!

    1. Thank you, Alison. We are trusting that all of the details are in God's very capable hands. :) Preparing to move has already presented some challenges but thankfully I was able to get away from all the painting and packing this weekend and have a sweet time with some friends. Breaks are good, REALLY good!!

  3. Thanks for sharing; helps me to pray more specifically.
    We have had many lookers at our home... but we are always in the house when they come and it makes me a bit nervous. Sounds silly, I know. :) It is another opportunity to let our light so shine before men.
    Stay focused.


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