May 28, 2012

our words are revealing

This past Friday morning  my daughter Amera and I began our morning Bible study with a discussion about words.  Did you know that in Colossians 4:6 it says to "let our speech always be gracious"?  Really?  Always? I read that and I know I've got some changing to do.  Jesus taught that the words I speak come from my heart.  It is not enough simply keep my mouth shut and avoid speaking my mind.  The way that I think needs to change.  My first step is to consider what God says about it.  How does God's Word change me?  How does that work?

I read what God says...
I recognize the difference between what he says and how I tend to think and act...
I agree that he is wise, his ways are better than mine, He is my God and I should obey his commands...
My way of thinking begins to change.  I pray for the grace to put it into practice next time.  To be more purposeful with my words.  To edify and encourage.  To be thoughtful and kind.  To be gracious with my words.

This is what I am teaching my daughter.  That God's word is not some magic pill that we take in and voila!  We are changed!  We must first recognize it is authoritative over our lives.  This decision to yield ourselves to God will play out in everyday choices we make.  It will be hard at times, it will go against the grain of how we will often want to respond.  But each moment, we are choosing.  Those who are in Christ can choose to do right because his power is at work within us.  

The verse also says that our speech should be "seasoned with salt".  I think God wants us to consider how the people we interact with will take things.  Have you ever spoken something hastily and then almost immediately regretted it?  Maybe you realized that you didn't consider how the person would take it?  This has happened to me many times.  I have often wished that I could just take it back and reword it or change my tone or not say it at all.  But once it's done, it's done.  It's true that even words that are graciously and carefully spoken may not be received well...but at least you will have done your part to honor God.

You know, it took me years to get good at making a good batch of rice.  I finally got it down, but there have been times where I would completely forget to add the salt.  I'd serve it up to my husband and once he took a bite, he knew.  I had forgotten to add salt.  Something without salt can be pretty tough to take in.  It is unpleasant and unpalatable.

I want to be more careful with my words.  Careful to share the love of Christ with others.  Conveying that I am telling them about Jesus out of love, not just because I want to be right.  It is so easy for us to miss the boat on this one.  And it was a lesson I had to learn.

It is probably hardest to speak graciously to the people I love most.  I think sometimes I just get too comfortable...and basically not as careful with what I say.  But it matters so so much.

My God, you are so right and perfect in every way.  Thank you, that you care so deeply about my relationships.  Thank you for sending your Son Jesus to take all my sin upon himself.  He died for all the damage I have done to my relationships with my tongue.  Help me to be more careful with the words I speak so that the love of Christ will be shown.

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