July 2, 2012

Holding Hands {Writing Prompt}

I watched them there in my backyard.  A long line of joined hands.  A hula hoop making its way down the line as each person maneuvered their body through it.  Some were tall and strong.  Some were very small and lacking confidence.  But all had one goal in mind.  All knew that the hula hoop must go from one end to the other, and they would have to work together to accomplish it.

Ministry is like that.  Hands joined together for a common goal.  Each person playing their part, each task essential to keep the hoop moving down the line.  No move is insignificant, no matter how unnoticed by others.  The Lord notices and it is all done for him.  Each of us are connected to one another.  The part that one plays affects the other.  And all are needed and important.  Not just the person to teach the Bible lesson or to lead in the games, but the person who labels the water cups and passes them out.  Or the person who escorts children to the restroom.  Even the person who sits on the "sidelines" and cheers the kids on or is simply available to talk to a child who needs some love or attention.  We are holding hands for the goal of ministering the gospel to them.

For "Backyard Bible Club" (<<link) some drove to homes to pick up children and sometimes more children were there than expected.  They wanted to come too.  Sometimes two trips had to be made.  Our helpers would drop the kids off in our yard and go back and get the others.  One evening, three girls arrived late only to find that they had completely missed the water games and the snack.  After club, as most of the other children were being taken home, a few of us worked together as fast as we could to fill some water balloons for them and give them a bit of fun.  It was a race against time, but we did it and we were able to take away some of the sadness of having missed out.

I'm thankful for those who joined hands with me this past week.  Helping with menial tasks like keeping my bathroom clean, sweeping and vacuuming my floor and helping with the dishes.  These things meant so much.

I'm thankful for hands that held baby Isabel and baby Havilah so that we could get out there in the heat and play along with the kids and so that I could take some photographs to remember it all.  

There were hands that gripped mine tightly.  A friend who sent more than one card to encourage me.  Assuring me that she was praying for me.  One of those cards came at just the right time for me, when I felt heavy pressure upon me from more than one source.  The assurance that she was praying for me and for the club, brought relief and comfort.  

There were hands that brought us meals.  One less thing to be concerned about meant all the world to me.  It was encouraging and kept me going.

And speaking of concerns...having a week long ministry does mean more expenses.  From the increase in the water bill (think: "Water Day") among other uses of water, and the fuel to transport children to and from our home.  These are things that I think most people don't think about.  But someone did.  I opened a card  to find encouraging words and some cash to help out with these expenses.  And I just thanked God.  I confess, I was a little "concerned" about these expenses at the beginning of the week.  But God knew all about it and he had it taken care of.  We just needed a brother and sister in Christ to hold hands with us.


  1. What a beautiful picture you have painted of the body of Christ holding hands!

    1. Thank you Ellen! It certainly has been on my heart and it was so good to sit and write it out this morning. :)


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