September 3, 2012

The last time {writing prompt}

My husband had gotten a job working in the Kansas City area and so our little family began a new home in Missouri.  Our daughter Amera was two years old at the time.

Since we really weren't sure if we wanted to have more children, I made an appointment with Planned Parenthood so that I could continue my new life there on birth control.  It was so easy.  Every three months I would go in and get a shot in the hip and not have to worry about a baby coming into my life.

What I didn't know at the time was that some women, as a result of taking this shot, are never able to get pregnant again.  Sadly, I was not really one to think ahead.  I was more concerned with getting what I wanted in the easiest way possible.  And the thought of having more children did not seem like a good idea to me.

It wasn't long after I came to know God as the life-giver that my heart was opened to allowing him to give me whatever life he chose to give.  My husband and I decided that I would not go to get the shot anymore.  And thus began waiting for an entire year to get my period again.  I had not had a period while I was taking the shot either.  I apologize if you feel that is TMI, but I just want to give you the whole picture.

And so begins the second part of my story.  Sometime after the "year of waiting" for my body to get back to normal, I was wondering if I might be pregnant.  One night we were visiting with our pastor's family and another couple.  The ladies were talking in the living room and the subject came up.  I shared my suspicions with them and we got a little adventurous and decided to head out to Steak 'n Shake for a bite to eat and then go to Walmart for a pregnancy test.  I don't think the guys were fully aware of our plan...and even now it seems a little crazy to take a pregnancy test at our pastor's house...but it was all in good fun!  Chalk it up to being young and adventurous I guess. ;) We also had a tight bond with them because they had shared the gospel of Christ with us, and discipled us in the faith.

I slipped into the bathroom to see if my suspicions were correct.  And sure enough, God was giving us another baby!  I emerged from the bathroom with my face beaming with excitement to share the news.  I was crying and laughing at the same time.  There were lots of hugs and cheers as we celebrated the life that God was giving my husband and I.  My heart was filled with gratitude.

I know that each child God has given us is a gift beyond compare.  They were "knit together" in my womb in a most miraculous way.  Each one that he gives blesses our hearts, our lives, and our home.  The woman who got a shot every three months, refusing such precious gifts, is no more.

I am so thankful that God was merciful to me and that when we had gotten that shot for the last time, it was the beginning of abundant blessings time and time again. 

One of Isabel's favorite spots, at the piano with Amera

Thank you Lord!   Your gifts truly are beautiful!


  1. Oh and what a precious baby you now have! I love the pictures :)

    Isn't it amazing that some of the things we are told will "help" women end up actually hurting us? I only took birth control when we were first married. I tried several types as doctors assured me it was safe. Well not for everyone, and after being sick AND having a miscarriage (because I did get pregnant while being on the patch) I was DONE!

  2. Thank you Ellen! I am so thankful for little Isabel. And for all the children that God has given us!


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