November 25, 2013

A little one is welcomed and a mama tries to "behave"

It's been about a month since I have written in this space.  Enticing writing prompts have been delivered to my inbox and tucked away with the thought of possibly writing if I ended up with the time.  Honestly, a little time may have come but the energy, motivation and inspiration were all used up at that point.

Oh, it's not that I haven't had some creative outlet...I don't know what I'd do without that.  Thankfully, crocheting is such a relaxing activity that I can be creative and restful all at the same time.  Even being able to do at least one row is often enough to satisfy my creative urges.  I have found a favorite stitch by the way.  The "raised rib stitch".  I seriously think I have found the stitch of my dreams.  For all of you crocheters out there, you know what I mean.  ;)  I will definitely be using it again in the future.

Another creative outlet has been all of the painting projects in the house.  These projects managed to get all of their paint before I went to the hospital but they are still not quite complete.  My dear husband has had much to take care of in my absence and pulling out power tools just wasn't on the list...that is...not until today!  Once they are complete with all of the hinges and doors in place I will definitely share some pictures with you!  :)

The days leading up to my C-section were spent in a bit of a frenzy, well, as much of a frenzy that a nine months pregnant woman can get into!  I'm telling you, I really wore myself out!  Much time was spent wrapping up projects that I knew I would not have the wherewithal to accomplish after Samuel was brought home.  And getting things painted and put in place was actually needful so that we could put other things in their place.

And now, post C-section, I find that there is whole lot that my mind and heart would love to accomplish, yet I am still limited.  I still remember the words from a caring friend in my last week of pregnancy.  As we spoke about the coming days and my upcoming surgery, she said "You're going to behave, right?"  Those words have rung in my ears more than once.  I make it my aim to sleep when the baby sleeps as much as possible and to be the one who does every possible job that can be done sitting down.  Today, that means folding laundry while I instruct the other children in doing things that require standing for longer periods and bending down and lifting up.

Honestly, "behaving" is not very hard when you feel like a small fire has been lit in your belly as soon as you've done a little too much.  Sorry if that is "T.M.I." but it's enough for me to call in for reinforcements and my dose of Motrin. :)

This morning, my husband is out doing his morning routine of lifting weights with a friend, the children are still asleep (every single one of them!) and I have been up since 6am.  Every moment is a treasure, you know.  As I sit here and type, I am fully aware that the next word may be my last if little Sammy wakes up.  It's like a little alarm you anticipate going off at any moment.  We kind of chuckle about it but it seems that as soon as someone either hands me a plate of food or I open the pages of a book, the baby cries.  It rarely ever fails.  But it's so worth it.  This little guy is a high priority right now.

Isn't he a cutie?

And by the way, he is doing very well.  He is so small, so soft, and so sweet.  It's amazing how little newborns are.  It seems I always forget that and then I am so stunningly reminded.  We all chuckle at his serious little face as he looks around at all of us, just taking it all in.

We're not a perfect family, Sammy but we are so glad that God has made you a part of it.  Welcome to our home and into our hearts.  We are so glad you are here, little man.

P.S.  Taking care of you helps me to slow down and rest like I'm supposed to.  ;)  You are pure therapy.


  1. Loved this, friend. I am praying for you and your sweet family. Samuel is just beautiful. I hope you got your little package. :O)

  2. Congratulations, what a little sweetie. Can't wait to meet him in person some day. :)

  3. Congratulations, what a little sweetie. Can't wait to meet him in person some day. :)

  4. What a doll! So happy for you! Thanks for writing!

  5. What a doll! So happy for you! Thanks for writing!

  6. He is beautiful, Marisha! I love the little afghan -- looks like a great stitch!


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