September 4, 2011

Celebrating two years with Manny

   Manny has brought so much joy and excitement to our home.  We love his energy!
We love all the sweet words he has been saying as he is learning to talk.  
We love the funny faces he makes.  We love his bear (cub) hugs!

   I found my "dream car" at Walmart!  A yellow Cooper.  I had to keep the total for his gifts under $10 and when I saw this car, I knew he'd love it.  He likes to open and close the doors.  

   Manny loves his little golf caddy complete with golf clubs and golf balls.  All the kids enjoyed playing with them.  Sometimes you're just not sure how much a toy will get played with once you bring it home, but this one was a winner.  I was very pleased that I only spent $3 on something that all the kids enjoy playing with.

   I'm looking forward to the coming week.  It holds plans for getting our house back in order after the "clothing explosion" that occurred this weekend.  I'm very ready to get back to that as soon as possible!  We also plan to have some special family time since my husband has the week off from work.  He plans on working on his doctrinal statement while the kids and I home school during the day.  There are still plans yet to be made, nothing major though.  Just being together is all that matters to me right now. 


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