November 14, 2011

one stitch at a time

Amera's latest crochet project.
(It's going to be a shawl with some flowers on it.)
Love, love, love the charcoal gray!

    Yesterday morning Amera and Brienne were not feeling well, so I decided I would be staying home from church with them.  Manny had a slight cough the day before, so we concluded that this throat thing must be spreading.  Normally our little ones are up between 6:30 and 7am, but yesterday morning they were just getting up as Jav and Joelle were leaving the house for church (around 8:20).  Although things were a bit abnormal yesterday, it turns out that we are not as sick as we thought we might be.  I think all we needed was some extra rest.  Thankfully, we are feeling much better today.

   Last night I was able to do something that I have been meaning to do for a while now...sewing projects!  I mended a pair of my husband's slacks, mended Brienne's skirt that had torn at the slit, but these things were done after I had my fun sewing a soft blanket for Isabel.  The fabric had been washed and folded and sitting on a shelf in my room for months.  It was finally time to sew it together.  I asked Amera to pull out my machine that was passed down from my grandmother.  I'll never forget the time she made my sisters and I satin pillows for our beds.  I loved my white satin pillow!  Now, I make satin blankets for my little ones.  :)

     I am very happy when I am sewing.  Once I'm doing it, I often wonder why I waited so long to get out the machine.

   I even had the energy left over (it must've been that nap I took) to prep a french toast casserole for a Monday morning Men's Bible Study that my husband goes to.  Once a month I try something new, and see what the men think.  This was my first time making this and I have no idea what it tastes like!  My husband said it was really good and we'll definitely have to make it again so our family can try it.  I probably should've made two of them.  When I woke up at 4am, I was so glad for a casserole that I had prepped the night before.  All I had to do was sprinkle on the topping and bake away!  I needed that time to cook the sausage links.

   You just gotta love online tutorials.  I wanted to learn a new stitch and this "crinkle" stitch we learned tonight  is so much fun to do.  It took me a few tries to get the hang of it.  Amera amazes me with the ability she has to grasp new things like this so quickly.  Admittedly, I get slightly intimidated with new instructions.  I'm not exactly sure why.  I shouldn't be.  I know I'll get it eventually.  I think I just wish I'd "get it" faster.  Anyway, it's very helpful to have Amera right beside me to guide me along when I'm not so sure if I'm doing it right.  She really has a knack for this.  We sure had fun learning this new stitch tonight.  I plan to crochet a blanket with this crinkle stitch someday soon, perhaps with that gray yarn I love so much.  :)

Amera does her stitches nice and tight, she says she tries to loosen up a bit.

Sometimes, I think mine are a bit too loose so I want to tighten mine up a bit.  Practice makes perfect!
I love the crinkle stitch!  Amera and I are planning to learn new stitches more often!


1 comment:

  1. Hey! I'm so excited to see that you two crochet! I am just learning, and most of what I've learned has been on You-Tube. I have realized that it would be nice to have a friendly live body close by, though, to help me through the tough spots! I'm working on a multi-color baby blanket for our newest grandson right now -- there are lots of mistakes, I'm sure -- but it is a variegated,eyelash yarn -- so the mistakes are not as easy to spot (at least by an untrained eye). Loved the blanket, too -- your girls have all kinds of talents!


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