May 14, 2012

from one mother's heart to another

My husband had won a gift card to the Outback Steakhouse, so we decided to have a little Mother's Day date about a week before the actual day.  We thought we'd avoid too big of a crowd, but there was still about a 45 minute wait.  So we were sitting there on the bench waiting for our pager to buzz, when we began to notice a mother with her two boys (both of them 8-10 years old).

The first thing we noticed was that when she gave a command (i.e. told them to do something, yes mother's have the right to do that) they would not do as she said (i.e. obey).  It was excruciating to listen to them talk back and argue with her over the simplest things such as where they were to sit.  They kept resisting her authority.  

Eventually one of the young boys got tired of her trying to talk them into what they ought to do and he just stood up and walked toward the front doors of the restaurant.  She called after him, yelling his name three or four times.  He acted as if he could not hear her voice.  He never even glanced back.  He walked right out the front door!  It was horrific to see such outright rebellion, especially from an eight year old boy who ought to know better.

Since he did not respond to her calls, she stood up and walked out the door to go and get him.  She leaned forward and spoke to him, then walked back in and sat down like this was just an everyday thing, no big deal.    I wanted so badly to tell her how big a deal it is.  I wanted to tell her that her son is on the road to destruction and that she should do everything humanly possible to stop him from going down that path.  I wanted to tell her that God commands children to obey and honor their mothers.  I wanted to tell her that he has a hard road ahead of him if he cannot respect and obey authority.  What sort of man will he be?  Someone who doesn't want God's authority over his life because he feels it is too constricting?  Someone who would rather do what he wants than listen to the orders of his employer?  

Mothers, when you discipline your children YOU ARE HELPING THEM.  They need your help, they need your training.  Teach them what is right.  Teach with every ounce of strength that God supplies.

Don't allow your children to walk away, not listening to your words.  Don't allow your children to disrespect and dishonor you for it dishonors God.  It is a disgraceful testimony.  The biggest disgrace is not correcting it.  Because it will happen.  You will be embarrassed at times with what your children do.  But the important thing is to keep teaching, rebuking, correcting and ultimately this is LOVE.

Teach them how to show honor and respect, even in the simple things.  When you are talking to someone, do not allow them to rudely interrupt you.  When you are at home, teach them to say "excuse me" when they walk into a room.  When you are at home, train them how to interrupt you in public.  Teach them to put their little hand on your elbow to let you know they need you.  Tell them you will speak to them as soon as you possibly can.  Assure them that you love them and you care but that it is rude to interrupt a conversation.  They need to learn this.  They need to learn they are not the center of the universe.  And when you are in public they will need a little more help in applying it.  It's ok to stop your conversation and train your children right there.  Lovingly remind them, after all it is a perfect opportunity.  The person you are talking to won't mind.  In fact, they are probably secretly hoping that you will stop and correct your child.  It's important, please do it.

At home, at a very early age, teach them to come to you when you call.  Call them to give you a hug.  Call them to pick up a toy.  Teach them that it is unacceptable to refuse your call.  They will resist at times.  Help them when they are toddlers.  Tell them "When mommy calls you, you need to come".  When your husband calls and they hesitate in coming, remind your toddler "Daddy called you, you need to go to him".  Sometimes they need this gentle prodding.  Sometimes they will not listen to even this, and you will have to be firmer and maybe even give consequences.  Do it.  It's so worth it.  For the Lord, for you, and for them.

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