July 25, 2012

Facebook // the blessings are just a click away

{Follow this link to read part one: Facebook // Facing our sin head on}

Could Facebook really be something that enriches your life?  
Could it actually be a valuable tool to strengthen relationships rather than weaken them?

My answer to both is a resounding yes!  We can connect with people in amazing ways with Facebook.  We can connect in ways that telephone, email and even face to face cannot provide.  Does that last statement surprise you?  Don't worry, I'm not saying that Facebook can replace face to face interaction.  But it can definitely enhance it as we get to know a little more about the people in our lives currently and the people we used to know.

I understand that in addition to what I wrote in my last post, that there are other negative aspects of Facebook.  Maybe you're thinking about all the things you would rather not have known about people.  Like  the sad pictures you see of young girls trying to look sexy and alluring with their lips puckered for a kiss.  Seriously?  Do they realize how pitiful this is?  Or the conversations that go from bad to worse as people argue to make their point, or maybe just get one up on the other person...yes it can get ugly.  But you know what?  This is life.  There are things that grieve us outside of Facebook.  They are sad realities that Facebook seems to magnify.  Because it's so easy to throw it out there from the privacy of your own home.  It certainly gives us plenty to pray about.

I could go on about the issues, but this post is supposed to be about the good things, right?  But before I get to that, I have a confession to make.  Ready?  Ok, here goes...before I started using Facebook, I thought I was more spiritual than people who did.  Here's another confession...after I started using Facebook, I thought I was more spiritual because I didn't spend as much time on it as so and so seems to spend.  You know that little "judge 'o meter" we have that makes us think that we know how much time people spend on Facebook because it seems like they are always on there.  Or they respond to our messages right away.  Or they post three times a day...whatever it is that tips us off and we think we've got them pegged.  

Whether you use Facebook or not, please don't make general judgements and think that everyone who uses it sits around idly clicking away while ignoring the rest of the world around them.  Yes, it happens, but we are working on getting that under control, right?  We all have to learn when enough is enough and when we need to log off.  But the misconception that it is a complete waste of a person's time needs to be cleared up.  There are a great many ways to use our time and this is just one of them.  Anything good could get out of control...you could even spend too much time on housecleaning!  My point is that Facebook can be a good thing that we use wisely, we just have to learn how.  

If all I could do on Facebook is mutually share photos, that would make it worth it.  I love that photos can be quickly shared and family and friends can comment.  That is so awesome.  That blesses me.

But there are other things.  Such as messaging.  You know the thrill you get when you've got a letter in the mail?  I know people think that electronic communication is not the same, but I love "getting mail" on Facebook too.  Blesses me a ton!  And I love to send messages from time to time too.  Honestly, I was a terrible "snail mailer".  Facebook is something I can easily access and I don't even need a stamp.  (Yes, I agree, snail mail is still very special and in a class of its own.) 

Some examples of private messages include: 
~old friends and acquaintances who have questions about God or want to share how God has been working in their life.
~fellow moms asking "mommy" questions. 
~a friend apologizing for a little thing they regret (it's not always easy to meet face to face, especially for those "small" things).  
~a family member is just thinking of you and wants to see how you are doing.
~an invitation for a cup of coffee
~an offer from a college student to babysit.
~an offer for help when we are facing a trial
~a reminder that they are praying for you

Some examples of status updates include:
~wedding pictures, even old ones where men and women thank God for their marriages
~pictures of special moments in people's lives
~pictures of neat things people see
~pictures of kids and growing families
~links to articles that have blessed, encouraged and edified
~and sometimes people post things that make you chuckle or laugh out loud (LOL!)...we all need a good laugh sometimes don't we?
~and of course when people let you in on a challenging situation they are facing, you can pray for them.

Maybe you can think of more?  I probably could.  But for now I will end with something that has blessed me and that I would like to see more of.  Older women encouraging younger women.  Discipleship.  It's happened and I hope that it happens more in the days to come.  From sharing helpful articles, to posting things from their heart...we see their testimony online.  When little messages are sent and they encourage us that they are praying.  It's priceless.  And I think Facebook makes it really easy to do.  I love to see the older women online setting an example.  I hope to see more older women getting involved in this way.  Can you imagine the possibilities?

As with anything else we have to set parameters for ourselves for our Facebook use.  Be thoughtful about it.  Be purposeful.  Decide when you will check it and post on it and how long you will spend on it and stick to it.  It's a constant work in progress for me.  I have decided what I want to see in my news feed.  Sometimes I pop in and pop right back out if I don't have any messages.  Like anything else, I am trying to keep it under control.  Sometimes you can even scroll through your friends list and pray for people.  And then you can send them a message to let them know!  

Facebook does take a significant amount of time to set up when you first get started.  But in my opinion it is definitely worth it.  There is so much that we can do to encourage and edify one another.

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