July 24, 2012

Facebook // "Facing" our sin head on

For a long while before I set up a Facebook account--I wasn't so sure it was a good idea.  

Those were the days before I had a blog.  My husband was a seminary student and the only electronic communication  I had (besides a home phone) was email.  We didn't even have cell phones!  We are living proof of what Americans can live without if they have to.  :)

At that time in my life, I didn't really understand how Facebook worked.  To me, it seemed invasive to privacy.  I remember looking around a bit at a few profiles.  The "friends" lists gave me the impression that people were boasting about their friends or being exclusive.  As a Christian in the body of Christ, this made me uncomfortable.  Was favor and partiality being publicly displayed?  I felt like I was knowing too much about people.  It seemed like I was seeing too much of their personal, private lives.  I wasn't sure I wanted to get wrapped up in all this online relationship.  Wasn't face to face always better?  Wouldn't this take away from that?  I really had no idea what it would be like.

I also felt the concern that it would take too much time.  That is still a concern.  But really, as with anything we spend time on, we have to be careful and mindful about it.  In other words, I decided that I shouldn't just avoid it because it was a potential time waster.  I should learn to use it wisely.

The reason I wanted to write about Facebook is because I have experienced being on both sides of the fence.  I've gone from being an opposer to a supporter and I'd like to share why.

I've already shared why I opposed it at first.  But before I get to where I am at currently, I'd like to guide you along a few bumps in the road.  

I've been through some ups and downs with Facebook.  I have experienced some "lows" and questioning it's value and nearly giving it up altogether.  I'd like to share some of the emotions and responses I have experienced and you see if maybe you can relate.  Here is the list and the things that have gone through my mind while logged in to Facebook.

I have been negative and critical..."She's bragging about the flowers her husband gave her (eye roll).  Really?  Are we all supposed to be jealous that you have the perfect husband who does sweet things for you?...Wait a second!  Shouldn't I be rejoicing that she has received a blessing?  

I have felt the sharp twinge of jealousy..."I wonder why I didn't get invited to that party"...which turns into self-pity... "Looks like they had fun without me"...and then comes resentment..."Shouldn't they be more sensitive to the fact that not everyone was invited and these pictures just make us feel like we missed out? 

I have judged motives..."She's just trying to show off.  Posting about how she read a Bible story to her kids.  I didn't do that with my kids today and now I feel guilty.  She's probably a better mom who never forgets to do those things."

I have fallen into the trap of comparing..."Their life seems more adventurous than mine.  People comment on their posts more than mine.  She looks better pregnant than I did and everyone else seems to think so too"...what ways have you compared?

Those are some pretty unloving responses, all taking place in the privacy of my own home and in my heart.  Does any of this sound familiar to you?

Let's face it, Facebook brings some sinful attitudes to the surface.  But wait...before you deactivate your account...are you willing to admit that?  I know I had to.  I had to recognize that sometimes I was NOT responding in love.  And God noticed.

See, I think that because it's just us, all alone with the computer screen that we react and we stew on things.  And it can even cause us to get a little depressed.  This is NOT the outcome that God desires.

I am not going to say that everyone ought to be on Facebook or that a person should never deactivate their account.  If you have done that, I respect your decision.  I'm just saying that I do not think that we should be quick to run away from a tool that can be used in a profitable and God honoring way.  We will have to deal with our sin and face it head on.  But we shouldn't be so quick to say that it is Facebook's fault.  We just have to learn to respond in a way that honors God.  We have to respond with the love of Christ.

In my next post, I'll share some of the bright side of Facebook and how it has contributed to my life.

Love is patient and kind;
love does not envy or boast;
it is not arrogant or rude.
It does not insist on its own way;
it is not irritable or resentful;
it does not rejoice at wrongdoing,
but rejoices with the truth.
Love bears all things, 
believes all things, 
hopes all things, 
endures all things.
Love never ends.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8a

Follow this link to the next post: Facebook // the blessings are just a click away


  1. One of the things I have had to do in the facebook world is block statuses from my newsfeed. Some people, including family members, post really negative or inappropriate statuses. I dont like to hurt feelings by dropping family and friends so i just block what they write. I have wanted to deactivate facebook so many times! I stay because i love reading things like your blogs and i enjoy pictures of my friends who have growing children or great ideas. Other than that i could live without!

    1. I block a lot of statuses from my news feed as well. There's a whole lot I would rather not read or see. I appreciate that I can choose what I want to sift through. Thanks for sharing your perspective!

  2. I agree with the above comment in that I utilize the 'hide' feature pretty liberally. It never fails to sadden me when people use social media to bash on their kids, their spouses, and generally spew negativity simply because they have a platform to do so. I have striven to be positive and highlight the blessings in my life.

    I think you're spot on about being careful of what we assume about others from what we see on Facebook; it certainly does feel a bit like an information dump much of the time, but it's only an aspect of them that we're really seeing. Just as others are never as perfect as we might convince ourselves, there is often a lot of hurt and back story to the dark posts as well.


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