August 20, 2012

If I could change one thing... {writing prompt}

A little less than two years ago, I had no idea what a blog was.  Seriously.  I didn't really use the internet that much.  I didn't know that people even had blogs.

I didn't consider myself a writer.  Sometimes I still have hard time saying that I am, because I know how much I need to improve.  But the beautiful (yet slightly embarrassing) thing about having a blog, is that I can look back and see some improvement.  That is encouraging to me because change can be so gradual that you don't always notice it happening.  Just knowing that I can improve if I keep doing it and learning is such a thrill to me.  I find that now, writing is almost like breathing to me.  I would be very sad if I couldn't do it.  It amazes me that something so important to me now was not a part of my life two years ago.

If I could change one would be to give other women the courage to try new things.

I am not some sort of professional at the things I do.  I am in the process of learning and I know that there are people who do it all better or maybe I should say differently than I do.  I think we have to remember that God made each of us unique and he has worked in our lives in unique ways.  We've got to stop thinking that since other people are doing a fine job we have nothing to add.  After what I've learned in the past couple of years I realize how much we limit ourselves.  Because I am certain that we possess God-given abilities that we may not even realize we have.

It has come up in conversations I've had.  Women who have always wanted to be a writer, but they doubt themselves and they don't think it is something that they can learn.  YOU CAN LEARN.  Just try it.  What will it hurt if you click on that Blogger icon and with a few clicks, open up a blog for free?  You don't even have to tell anyone about it if you don't want to.  Maybe you could keep it private for a while and just try writing...see what happens!  You may end up just as surprised as I was that there is whole lot on your heart just waiting to be expressed and maybe even shared with others.  I want to encourage you to give it a try.  What have you got to lose?

I am happily linking up here:


  1. Oh I agree, I look back at my blog and I am glad to notice improvement in my writing! That is why they say if you want to be a writer, then write!

    And I am so glad that I get to come and rad your words. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Yes, just write. It's so true. What better way to learn than by doing it?! Timid as I may feel at times. It's certainly a vulnerable feeling putting ourselves "out there" with flaws and all. But I think life is so much like that. Thanks for the encouragement Ellen!


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