September 17, 2012

Different than expected {writing prompt}

"Different than expected".

Yes.  That really sums it up for me today.

There are some things that I didn't get to do today, or yesterday or the day before.  But little by little I am adjusting my focus.  

My husband called this evening, just as the kids were settling in for bed.  I admit, I was feeling a little sorry for myself and all the tough stuff I had to deal with while he was at work.  Within the first few sentences of my little "laundry" list of all the difficult things I had dealt with in a day full of just being a mommy...I realized that I was painting with a broad brush.  And in the process I was painting right over all of those beautiful, fun and downright therapeutic moments I had shared with my kids throughout the day.

We sang together.  We laughed long and hard.  We marveled at Isabel's little personality beginning to shine. We hugged, kissed, danced and played.  A couple of my children had outbursts of gratitude and told me they are so glad to have me as their mom and said "You're the best mommy!".  Yes, I know they are biased and I am actually the only mommy for them, but it's sweet nonetheless.  

But mixed in with all of this was the heartbreaking sin of a child.  There was also the mommy who sent a child to their room, while she went to her room to pray and ask God for wisdom.  There was discipline and the long talk that resulted in our family eating dinner around 7:30 instead of 6:00pm.  

I was able to put my older girls in charge of finishing up the meal.  Once the noodles and meat were ready, they realized that we did not have any sauce to go with them.  I wasn't expecting that!

I pulled out my Betty Crocker cookbook and found a recipe for white sauce.  Dinner was soooo late, but somehow everyone was happy.  The kids were captivated and watched as mom whipped up some white sauce for our pasta.  It was delicious by the way.

You know, I still have not been able to get to my major "room organizing" project...though I feel it's constant pull.  Nor have I been able to get to my creative projects...though I am anxious to do so.  

Right now, life is happening.  I'm living it to the fullest.  I'm the type of person that if I get an idea in my mind, I long for it until it is accomplished.  I get a huge sense of satisfaction when I complete a project.  But I'm learning that I just have to wait right now.  The right time will come.  Right now, life is more about the people than the projects.  And that includes taking time to build relationships in and out of my home and changing all the diapers and kissing all the "boo boos" that come this momma's way!  There were a lot of those today...I guess I should expect that by now? ;)


  1. Thank you Candice. It's God's beautiful work, I'm just trying to capture it as best I can. I'm glad you stopped by! :)

  2. Oh I can relate to this! Often times my day is not what I expected and I can dwell in the negative rather than all the wonderful moments of the day. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Oh how our expectations get in the way of all the little moments of joy if we let them. I often wonder how many little moments have passed me by when I so often choose the negative or succumb to the mundane in my life. If we keep our eyes and hearts open we can see God's beauty!!
    Stopping by from the writing prompt!!

  4. I think both of you touched on something. As Ellen said "dwelling in the negative" and CK said "choose the negative". You are both so right. Sadly, we often miss out on the beauty of God and what he is doing in our lives because we have the wrong focus. May God help us to "rejoice in the Lord always!" Thanks for stopping by ladies!


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