October 8, 2012

Defining moments {writing prompt}

Being a mom is not always a glamorous thing.  It has it's share of frustrating days with the seemingly endless stream of potty training accidents.  You wonder when your child will EVER get it.  You wonder what you are doing wrong or what is wrong with them!  Why is it that another mom's method seemed to work for her in matter of days and it has been months for you.  You seem to remember your other children catching on much sooner than this...

Being a mom is not always a glamorous thing.  It has it's share of sleepless nights.  Small children who wake up screaming at two am...four am...and six am.  Children, who seem to have all their needs met, yet they wail.  You've tried everything you can possibly think of until finally, in an effort to survive, you do WHATEVER works.  You know people will think bad of you, it goes against what it says in that popular parenting book, but it works for you and your child, so you do it.

Being a mom is not always a glamorous thing.  It has it's share of blunders.  There is so much pressure to do everything just right, to keep up with the latest book philosophy, to be admired in the eyes of our friends...but you know what?  Each family is different.  What works for one may not work as well for another and that is OKAY.  Methods are fine, but don't become enslaved to a method.  You may find that you are beating your head against the wall, frustrated and trying to do "exactly what the book says", yet it just isn't working for you.  Don't be afraid to try something else.  Don't expect that you will do everything perfectly your first, second, third...or seventh time around!  Each child is different and what works for one may not work for another.  Pray and seek wisdom from God, he has promised to give it. 

You will often be humbled as a parent.  You will be driven to your knees because sometimes you just don't understand why your child does what they do.  You will realize that you don't always have all the answers to every complex issue.  Pray hard, God stands ready to help you.

Being a mom is not always a glamorous thing.  It has it's share of messes.  You will feel like you are always nursing, always correcting, always cleaning up, and always stepping on Legos and Cheerios!  These are the days, these are the moments, these are all a part of being a mother to your children.  And someday they will be grown, they will get it and you will make it through.  You will look back and smile on these days.  You will remember the battles you fought in the trenches of motherhood.

Those Legos and Cheerios all over the floor?  The evidence that you have been blessed with a gift from the Father.  The gift of a child to love and cherish.  Not only on the glamorous days, because we have our share of those too, but on the not so glamorous days as well.

God bless you mommies.  For all you do...God bless you.

Linking up for the writing prompt here: http://www.ellenstumbo.com/defining-moments/


  1. Thanks for the reminder to cherish these days - because some days (most days?) they definitely do NOT feel glamorous!!

  2. Glad you stopped by Alison! Believe me, I need to remind myself often!

  3. What a cutie pie!! My very best friend, who became a mom before me, told me to read everything I could, listen to everyone's advice, and then use the knowledge gained to find OUR way. Best advice ever and very similar to what you are saying here. Stopping by from the prompt.

    1. Yes, and everything filtered through the teachings of the Bible and it's principles. Sometimes God brings us to the end of ourselves and we realize how much we need HIS grace and wisdom in our unique situations. Why should parenting be any different? :) Thanks for stopping by!

  4. What a beautiful reminder (especially as I look at my house and it is a mess of toys and dolls!) love your words Marisha, as usual. You have a way to encourage and uplift this mama's heart :)


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