October 29, 2012

What I look forward to {writing prompt}

There we were, in my child's room dealing with an issue.  I had to ask the probing questions, to help them to understand why what they did was wrong...why what they did was...sin.  Some people like to avoid talking about sin.  They don't like to use that word.  They're too afraid of sounding like some whacked-out "preacher" who doesn't understand love and compassion.  But the most loving thing I can do is to tell them like it is. 

To help them to see that it is their sin that Jesus gave his life for...

...their sin that desperately needs forgiveness.

...their sin that will wreak havoc in their life if they let it.

We do not wait until they do the "really bad" things.  We help them to see that even those things that most would consider "small" are big to God.

Things like disobeying a parent.  Huge problem.  

Even in simple things like neglecting to remove dirty clothes from the bathroom like mom has instructed, time and time again.

If small things are neglected, what of the bigger tasks?  And it is this principle of being faithful in little that I do not want them to miss.

Have you ever been or seen someone else utterly grieved over sin?  This was my child.  My child's face was stretched tight in an expression of deep agony and as the tears gushed forth, these are the heart wrenching words that were exclaimed...

"I wish I never did that mommy...

Why do I sin?!...I asked God to take my sin away, but I still sin!  I don't want to sin any more!

Jesus died because of my sin...I only want to do what is right!"

I sat there in complete amazement.  I admit, I wasn't expecting this.  It was one of the saddest, and at the same time most beautiful things I have ever seen.  My child, mourning over their sin...my child, hating their sin.

We are declared righteous because we have believed in Christ's work on the cross.  God has forgiven us and given us his Spirit to dwell within.  Yet the hard reality is that the struggle with sin continues.  We make choices.  We have victories and at the same time we have failures.  

We remembered the grace and forgiveness that God always extends.  He is faithful and just to forgive us when we ask...and to cleanse us from unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)  "A righteous man falls seven times and rises up again..." (Prov. 24:16)

We found hope and courage in the power we have been given to honor his name...we have his Spirit...we can choose rightly...we do not have to give in to temptations.  All is not lost and for nothing.

After sitting there and crying with my child, hating my own sin too, we rejoiced that one day we will be with God forever.  Our sin and sadness will be no more.  Our struggle will be over.

With all my heart, I long for that day.

Linking up for the writing prompt here: http://www.ellenstumbo.com/what-i-look-forward-to/


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