November 7, 2012

God never changes

God never changes.  Just saying that and believing that, brings so much peace, comfort and relief to my soul.  In a world of differing opinions and constant change, God is always the same.

There is so much that my children are trying to understand each day about the world around them.  Sometimes they ask questions and we talk about some of the things they are wondering about.  But here is the challenge:  I cannot know all of their thoughts.  Some things can be drawn out, but what about those things they will wonder about but never ask about?

I don't want my children to grow up with a "We just don't do that" mentality.  I want them to see that everything we do or don't do should be motivated first by God's awesome love for us and our response to that love.  If he doesn't want you to do something, it is not because he wants to make you miserable.  No, on the contrary, he wants you to be blessed as you live by the truth from his word.

Recently, we sat at dinner together and this was the topic of our conversation.  Have you noticed that children will often make blunt statements in favor of what you believe but they often do not know the reason why or where the teaching came from?  I feel a tremendous responsibility to equip my kids to have a firm foundation in their faith so they will not be blown about with the winds of change and popular opinion.  God will always be the same, his love is infinite, and all wisdom comes from him.  He is the Creator of us all.  

How could he not know what he is talking about?

Trust in God, children.  He spoke this world into existence and he knit you together in my womb.  There is nothing beyond his understanding or his power.  Look to him for answers and know that every word he speaks is motivated by deepest love and concern.  His way is always best.

Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers.  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
James 1:16-17

"For I the LORD do not change..."  Malachi 3:6

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