February 6, 2013

Being real {writing prompt}

I love how comfortable I am with my family.  We do life together.  We are not afraid to let loose and be goofballs now and then.  With family, you don't have to worry too much about making impressions.

If you were a fly on our wall...we would swat you!...no seriously...if you were a fly on our wall you would see me attempting either a Scottish, British, or Irish accent (maybe a combination of all three) and failing miserably--to which Amera says "Umm, mom?" with an amused smirk on her face.  Of course, she does the same thing from time to time.  She's much better at it than I am though. ;)

Looking over the past week or so, I can think of a few occasions where we got together and had some good laughs.  I'm not sure I could describe it to you but it's usually something that either I or the children say that prompts my husband to find some humor in it and then when he teases us we erupt in laughter.  I probably couldn't explain exactly what it is but it's one of those things where you just have to be there.

Although, I could tell you about a time recently when we were riding home from church in our van.  I was excited about an idea I had for creating something, so I was telling Amera (sitting behind me) as well as my husband (who was driving) all about it.

Here's the thing.  When I get very excited about something I tend to get very expressive with my hands.  On this particular occasion, both Amera and my husband found it to be quite amusing that I was using my hands so much.  We laughed hysterically as my husband teased me by making exaggerated hand motions and then when I resumed describing my idea and I was still using my hands the laughter continued as he reached over with one arm and held my hands down.  More laughs as he suggested that I attempt to continue...without the help of my hands.  Not even kidding you, in that moment I could not get the words out!

I love times like this.  Just being a family and laughing with each other.

You might not see all the humor in what I'm sharing here and it wouldn't be easy for me to describe all of the things that we have a good crack up over.  Probably because there are just some things that are only funny if you're here...and part of this family.

I love this freedom we have with each other to just be ourselves.  It's like no other place in the world.  This is as real as it gets.

Linking up for the writing prompt here: http://www.ellenstumbo.com/being-real/


  1. I love this post! It brought a huge smile to my face!

    1. Thanks! It wasn't the direction I thought I would go at first but I'm so glad to have written about this aspect of our family. We love to laugh!

  2. It may be that your gift for blogging could be related to the fact that you are communicating with your hands. <3

  3. Lovely example of being real. And I LOVE those glasses!

    1. Me too Alison! Manny enjoyed them so much. I've had that picture for a little while now. I knew it would go perfect with a blog post someday! :)


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