February 7, 2013

Mommies don't always wear make-up

This picture...it may be one of my favorites.  Mostly because of Clara's sweet smile but also because I am in it with her.  I was sitting in the recliner with her and looking through all of the photos I had taken of the kids outside.  I started to think of how sweet it was sitting there with her and about all of the many opportunities I miss to get photographs of me with my kids.

And so, in a daring no make-up wearing moment, I turned the camera on us.  You see, I had no problem taking a bunch of photos of my kids playing outside in the sunshine.  But pictures of me?  Well, I often have my objections for that.  

Usually it's because I have no make-up on and my hair up in a ponytail...ahem...let's just say not exactly motivation for capturing the moment.  But that is the reality.  When my kids see me putting on make-up they start asking me where I'm planning on going. Because when I am at home and I am not going anywhere and no one is coming over...well...I am pretty much no frills.

This moment captured here is precious to me.  This is me, being mom.  This is one moment of thousands that haven't been recorded on...er...SD cards (yes I almost said film).   And honestly I keep telling myself how much more I need to take more photos of me with my children...just set up a tripod or ask someone else in the family to snap away.  I think that sometimes taking photos just feels like too much of an ordeal that I don't want to experience.  But I'm starting to be inspired to make the effort.  Here is a great photo checklist that is giving me ideas: 50 photos to take with your kids | via Simple as that.

So many pictures to take, so little time. Right? ;)

Before I go, here are a few of those pictures I mentioned of the kids out in the sunshine...

Maybe next time I'll get some with Brienne and I together.  I'll probably pick a day when I'm wearing make-up though! ;)

1 comment:

  1. These are precious pictures! Make the memories- even without your make-up!!


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