March 14, 2013

A letter to my children {after a tough day}

To my dear children,

Your souls are so precious to me.  I will continue to teach you the Word of God no matter how bored you sometimes seem.  No matter how much you struggle with laughing at your baby sister and I have to stop and remind you to pay attention.  No matter how easy it would be to just overlook it and get straight to watching a movie instead.  I will teach you the Word of God and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in our home.

Not only will I teach it, by God's grace I will live it.  I will fear God and take him seriously (as we spoke of tonight).  I know that he sees everything that happens in this home and in my heart and I want to honor him to the best of my ability.

You know how much your mommy needs God.  I turned to him so many times today.  I did not want to give in to my feelings.  I know how important it is for me to push forward through every struggle with strength and hope in God.

There were silent tears today and not just from me.  There were warnings, loving rebukes, encouraging  affirming you and understanding that you are struggling because I struggle too.  Words of encouragement to spur you on to greater heights.  "I know you can do better, ask God to help you...turn to him like I do."  And we prayed together, me showing you the way.  Both of us turning to God, our only hope in the midst of our weakness.

There were so many opportunities to teach you today, to coach you, to redirect your gaze to Christ and, exhausting as it was, I did my best to take them all.

Oh, how I want you to love him!  There may be some part of me that wants this for selfish reasons...but I want this for your sake as well.  My heart cries "Oh taste and see that the Lord is good!"  I want this to become your heart's cry as well.

I know all too well that there is no true peace, no true joy and no true LIFE apart from him.

Remember the words I spoke to you this evening at the dinner table?

God has provided a sacrifice for you.  He gave his only Son for you.  He loves you so.

Take it to heart children.  Believe it.  It's almost too good to be true but God's gift of eternal life is free for the taking to all who will believe.

I could tell that you felt very loved when I went around the table and hugged each of you one by one and kissed your heads as I said your name and told you that I loved you.  My children, the love of God is far greater than mine.  He made you and knows your deepest thoughts.  There is nothing more wonderful than walking with him.  It begins right here and now.

Love always,

1 comment:

  1. I am so encouraged and inspired by your steadfast love for Christ, and insistence on showing that to your children. You capture so well the intentionality that goes into it... how it conflicts with our other desires and competes with so many other distractions in life.


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