March 18, 2013

Are you telling yourself the truth?

Do you ever talk to yourself when you're all alone?  It's often something that people ridicule so we're hesitant to admit that we do it.  I think I have talked to myself most when I am driving alone.  I mean lips moving and all.  It's usually when I am either really excited or really burdened about something and my mind is racing.  But I restrain myself when I am stopped at a red light--wouldn't want anyone to think I'm weird or anything. ;)

Maybe you don't talk to yourself like I do (maybe I am weird!)  :)  But there is another way that all of us should talk to ourselves.  It's when our thoughts speak lies.  Sometimes it is going on and we don't even realize it.  We're just going about our day, thinking our thoughts, and before long we can begin to see how our mood is beginning to change.  Usually it is when we are facing trials.

We probably would never say these things out loud but how often are they going through our minds and sometimes with us hardly noticing?...

"God must not love me or I wouldn't be going through this."

"If only I had ______ I'd be happier."

Maybe you despair a little a think "This problem is too big for God to fix."

And how often do we believe the lie that God is not able to help us?  Think about it for a moment.  What seems too impossible, too difficult, too expensive, or too complicated in your life right now?

Are you telling yourself the truth?

Psalm 62:11 says,

"Once God has spoken;
twice I have heard this;
that power belongs to God."

Power belongs to God.

Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves of this truth about him.  He is not only powerful (able to accomplish ANYTHING) but verse 12 says that to God "belongs steadfast love."  Our trials do not mean that his love has faltered.  Far from it!  His love is constant and sure.  His power and his love go hand in hand.  Sometimes we forget that, don't we?

Look at Psalm 62:1.  David is pouring out his praise to God.

"For God alone my soul waits in silence;
from him comes my salvation.
He only is my rock and my salvation,
my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken."

This is David, talking to himself.  Reminding himself about the truth about God so that he will not be shaken.  Don't think it just came so easily and naturally for him.  He was tempted just like the rest of us.

Notice the questions he asks himself in Psalm 42 and 43.  For example in verse 5 he says "Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me?  He is catching himself in his thoughts.  It's like he's saying "Wait a minute, what am I thinking that is causing me to feel so down?"  We should ask ourselves that question.  When we fill our hearts (thoughts) with the truths of who God is and what he has promised we are encouraged to "hope in God" as David said.

Far too often we simply "listen" to those deceitful thoughts that seem to come so naturally, without any effort.  Satan is very active.  He will try to snare us and he would have us believe that God's love has shifted and his power is no power at all.  He is the "father of lies" and we believe him far too often.

Looking again at Psalm 62, notice what David says in verse 8.

"Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your heart before him;
God is a refuge for us."

We have to continually remind ourselves that we can trust God.  That is really what it all boils down to.  Trust.  Sometimes, like the father who wanted so much for his son to be healed in Mark 9:24, our heart will cry out like his "I believe; help my unbelief!"

God knows that we are frail and sometimes our faith is weak.  Pour out your heart to him and let the truth of his word do battle with the thoughts that deceive and weaken you further.

"On God rests my salvation and my glory;
my mighty rock, my refuge is God."

Let's talk to ourselves like David did.  The truth about God changed his perspective so much that he was able to say "I shall not be shaken."  You can almost feel the resolve in his words.

What's shaking you up today?  Turn away from the lies that will depress and disable you and turn to God in faith.  Pour your heart out to him...all your worries and hurts.  Let his Word speak to you and continually tell yourself the truth from it.  And don't feel silly about it for a single second.  Other believers have to remind themselves too.

And lastly, trust him.  He is working in your life for good.  Joseph knew that.  After all he had been through he could confidently say "God meant it for good."  (Gen. 50:19-20)  It's true.  We know he doesn't always say "yes" to our prayers.  Sometimes it is "No" or "Wait" but no matter what happens we can be confident that he loves us, his love is steadfast, in other words it's not going ANYWHERE!  And because "power belongs to God" we can be certain that he is accomplishing his divine purpose in and through us.

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