April 1, 2013

Sunday afternoon with the boys

Everyone came home from church and slacks and button-up shirts (for the guys) were traded for T-shirts and whatever comfortable pants could be found.  Manny, decked out in dinosaur jammies and feeling like some sort of "dino-mite" little dude comes running out into the living room very excited and ready to play.  He even stood in the middle of the room and roared the biggest T-Rex roar a three year old can muster.

I had stayed home from church with Isabel.  She and I were "sick buddies".  After everyone left for church she didn't do much except snuggle on the couch with me and watch an episode of "Baby Einstein".  She soon feel asleep and was transported to her crib.  My morning then consisted of rotating between reading, sleeping and crocheting.  I finished a blanket, I finished a book...I was glad to have something to do with my hands and mind while I sat, immobile in a comfy chair.  

So there I was sitting in said chair when these guys piled into the chair next to mine.  It's sights like this that make a woman who isn't feeling well get up and get her camera.

I love Javi's toothless grin.  I love Manny trying to make some sort of funny face by pushing up his eyebrows.  I love the happiness all over my husband's face as he is in "daddy heaven" with his boys.  He tickles them so well it's practically on the verge of torture.  ;)  Believe me, I know.  He does the same thing to me sometimes!  The difference between the kids and I?  I usually beg him to stop because I can hardly take it anymore...but I don't think they can ever get enough.  :)  They laugh and squeal and enjoy every second.

I love these guys and I love watching them play together.  It's pure bliss to me.

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