April 2, 2013

When a family sings together

My husband and I had talked about it for some time.  He wanted to get a set of hymnals for our home.  One that Amera could use at the piano and others that we could all share.  We are thankful that we had even one hymnal before.  But having three has greatly improved the time we spend together singing.

A few evenings ago, after we had eaten dinner and sat around the table together, we opened these hymnals.  There is nothing like opening a hymnal and singing together as a family.  I always come away from it sensing that bonds have been strengthened.  The bond between us and our God and the bonds between us as a family.  It is like glue holding us together.  

With every verse of truth we sing, I am encouraged, fortified and blessed.  

Do you ever get silly little songs in your head?  Maybe a little song from a movie?  I do!  And my kids do as well.  Sometimes they'll start singing it or repeating one line over and over and over again.  Until finally one of the older people in the house will say "Okay, that's enough."  We can hardly stand to hear the pointless phrase again.  Well, not so with hymns.  We want more.  And that is what I kept saying that evening.  Just one more?  I wanted to hang on to this time we were spending.  All those holding hymnals would flip through the pages searching for the next song to sing.  "How about this one?!"  "I really like this one!"

These are the words we want to imprint on the brain waves.  These are the tunes I want to have on my mind when I wake up in the morning and when I go to bed at night.  These are the choruses that I want to fill my heart to bursting throughout my day so that I can't help but sing when I'm doing the dishes.  These are the lines that contain doctrine so rich and deep that beautiful lessons of God are taught through their message. 

It brought joy to our home.  How could it not?  How can you be a grump when you're singing with all your heart?  Yes, some of our younger kids still need some encouragement to join in.  For now, they are observers and once in a while, if they get the chorus down, they join in a little bit.  I don't have to worry so much about any lack of enthusiasm from small children.  They'll catch on eventually.  

And it's times that we spend like this...all of us together and singing around our table that my heart will never forget.  In fact, it's something my heart will always hold on to. 


  1. My husband and I try to sing the hymns together too. We don't have the best singing voices so we add in the instruments we are trying to learn. It is definitely a 'joyful noise' unto to Lord.

    I have sung the hymns since I was a wee thing. They have stuck with me through the years and I really love them.

  2. Sharon, I too could use some improvement in the voice category. :) I just do the best I can. It's wonderful that you have a heritage of singing hymns from a young age. That is a gift that I want to make the effort to give to my children. Such beautiful memories are made when we sing together.

  3. Marisha, that's so awesome. There are so many hymns I don't even know! It's sad, because I know they are rich in theology. But I hear the cry of your heart!:) When we pull out the guitar and sing worship songs at home, I never want it to end. Of course, this RARELY happens, and my kiddos mix up a lot of the words, but it's sweet, precious time. Hope you're doing well! :)


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