June 4, 2013

When you've had one of those days

Your trials can be like trails that lead to spiritual maturity.  But there are other 
paths that wind and twist and never seem to get you anywhere but lost.

I don't know about you but when I go through challenging times and difficult experiences in my life, I just want to get them over with.  I'm sure I'm not the only one to have one of those days that seem to go wrong from the very start.  And it often seems to happen when I am especially tired and feeling low on patience.

The kind of trials I am talking about are of the everyday sort.  Why is it that those kind can seem to be the hardest to endure?  I'm talking about the kind of day where not only are you struggling personally to have the right attitude about everything going on around you but you also have other little attitudes to correct and steer in the right direction.

And on top of these struggles there are also little mishaps that suddenly seem bigger than usual, like a cup that was accidentally knocked over, spilling sticky juice all over the freshly mopped floor.  Like the mud from the backyard that sticks into every crevice on the bottoms of sneakers and gets tracked into the house making you wonder why on earth white carpet was even invented!

It's one of those days when you are already running behind schedule (just pick a reason) and a child is struggling to understand a math concept and not only are they near tears but so are you.  There is also the toddler that seems to cry out as soon as you gain some traction with whatever you were trying to accomplish at that moment.  These are just a few of the things that challenge me on "one of those days" and they are usually accompanied by a pounding headache.

Oh, don't get me wrong and please don't feel sorry for me.  My days are not spent in misery and lamentation.  I have days where blessings and joy seem to be so abundant they overflow and if you lived in my house you would even hear me say "I am so blessed" as I shake my head and marvel at the goodness of God.  But some days, even when the blessings are still there, my joy is hiding out somewhere just waiting to be found.  If I am willing to search for it.

The question that plays over and over in my mind on days like that is "Why?"  Why are things so hard today?  Why can't I seem to get out of this slump?  I don't want to be grumpy and tired.  I want to be joyful, thankful and energetic.  It seemed almost effortless yesterday!  Why?

And I cried out to God and I ran to him, desperate for help because what woman wants to tear down her house brick by brick with a poor attitude?  It's amazing what you can accomplish in one day.  And even though I prayed, I still struggled, I felt as though I was slogging through mire all day long.  And I just kept praying and turning to the Lord.

You know that children's song that goes "I'm inright, outright, upright, downright happy all the time!"?  Well, I   have wondered on occasion if the writer of that song may have been exaggerating a bit.  I mean I love the hand motions and all the excitement of that song BUT... I'm not so sure that's an accurate description of the Christian life.  We do have so much to be glad about and thankful for but "Happy ALL the time"?

If you haven't noticed yet and no one has mentioned it to you, allow me to be the first.  The Christian life is hard.  It is a battle.  The desires of the flesh and Spirit are "opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do."  Galatians 5:16-26  But we cannot give up the fight.  And God is with us to help us but we must turn to him ready and willing to take the steps he wants us to take.

I love this quote from a book I am reading called "Addictions" by Edward T. Welch:

"There is a mean streak to authentic self-control.  Underneath what seems to be the placid demeanor of those who are not ruled by their desires is the heart of a warrior.  Self-control is not for the timid.  When we want to grow in it, not only do we nurture an exuberance for Jesus Christ, we also demand a hatred for sin."

"Self-control" a fruit of the Spirit as well as joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and gentleness.  What mom wouldn't say that she desperately needs the grace to exhibit these beautiful qualities every day, in the privacy of her own home?  And it is through these trials that we experience along the way, that God leads us to a place where we can see how very much we need to change.  And even just realizing that is a victory in and of itself because it shows that we are at least growing in the right direction.  But just knowing about our struggles and our sin is not enough.  God has us go through these trials so that we will mature.  It requires our cooperation and our effort.  We cannot just stand by, passively, expecting God to do everything for us.  We cannot do it apart from his grace and our growth cannot happen without us taking part in the process.  

I am learning to respond to every little trial with prayer.  Once I get over all the emotions and the tears and pouring my heart out to God, I need to seek him.  I need to plead with him to "Search me and know my heart!  Try me and know my thoughts!  And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!"  Psalm 139:23-24   I need to remember that the trials that I face are for my good.  They are meant to mature me.  I need to take this verse to heart:

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.  And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.  James 1:2-3

Each of us faces trials, sometimes daily, sometimes small yet significant, sometimes big and overwhelming, but whatever sort they are, they are meant to mature us.  As believers that should be something that we desire with all of our heart because we will increase in our knowledge and understanding of how to glorify and honor God more with the lives that he has given us.

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