September 20, 2013

Bright and beautiful TEN!

Tomorrow we'll be celebrating ten years of this amazing girl's life.  The days when I thought she was a timid little girl seem like a distant memory now.  Now I see her differently.  She is bold and courageous.  She knows what she wants and she goes for it.  She is not afraid to try new things.  She often has to be reminded that there are some things that she needs to ask mom about first, you know, before she tries them.  She loves to laugh, she loves life and I love her to bits.  Sweet, spunky girl.

When she sets her heart on something it is pretty hard to budge her.  This can be a strength as well as a weakness.  How often I have encouraged her to put her trust in God, the giver of opportunities and the loving one who sometimes withholds what we want because he knows what we really need.  Yes, as a mom I often teach while learning those lessons at the same time.

I have been noticing that Brienne is a very careful observer of the people around her.  Sometimes this means picking up bad habits and trying them on for size.  It also means seeing what mom and dad think about it. We see it as another opportunity to point her to God.  "Just because someone else does that (or says that) does not mean it is right."  You see, when you've got a choice between wrong, hmmmm...maybe not so bad, and best, shouldn't you always choose best?  Especially when it comes to choosing your words?  God has certainly not left us without wisdom on that matter!

But I have also noticed her doing her best to be friendly.  She thrives on interacting with people.  She often goes with me to the laundromat and she looks out for other kids to talk and giggle with.  One time a little girl her age was there with her mom.  The mom was not interested in being friendly but this little girl was.  Our time there was a mixture of finishing up schoolwork (homework for the girl) and chatting a little.  Shortly before we left I gave Brienne a "Bridge" tract to give to her friend.  She went back to her math and waited for a good moment to give it to her.  After giving it to her, the girl said "Oh, we believe in God.  We used to walk on water."  Brienne was pretty much speechless.  :)  It was fun to talk later about good ways to respond to that...somehow I doubt that one will ever come up again never know.  I pray that the Lord will give her a strong desire to make his truth known to the people he brings into her life.

The next time we went she kept trying to connect with this little girl there and it just wasn't working.  She'd say hello, smile, wave, sit somewhat near her but the girl was oblivious.  I watched Brienne with interest as I crocheted a baby blanket.  She even commented to me how she kept trying to be friendly to the girl but it just wasn't working.  Brienne wasn't being pushy or anything, she was just making herself available.  To me, that is boldness in and of itself.  She doesn't seem to worry too much about what people think.  I love that about her.  I hope she never lets the fear of rejection stop her from reaching out in love.  

My beautiful daughter.  You are sunshine in my life.


  1. happy birthday Brienne!
    I have a friend who is about your age who also tries to be friendly to other people. Every Sunday she comes over to where I am sitting in the sanctuary and chats with my college friends I have brought to church that day. She asks if she can read to them her Sunday school paper and tells them about what she has learned that morning in class. She did this every Sunday for a year with one of my Chinese friends. Today that Chinese student is a believer! Don't give up.

  2. happy birthday Brienne!
    I have a friend who is about your age who also tries to be friendly to other people. Every Sunday she comes over to where I am sitting in the sanctuary and chats with my college friends I have brought to church that day. She asks if she can read to them her Sunday school paper and tells them about what she has learned that morning in class. She did this every Sunday for a year with one of my Chinese friends. Today that Chinese student is a believer! Don't give up.

    1. Sharon, thank you so much for sharing that wonderful testimony. Isn't it a blessing to know that children don't have to wait until they grow up to be used in amazing ways by God?! What an ancouragement! :) (I'll be sure to share your kind words with Brienne)

  3. We had so much fun with Bri on Weds. She's a delight!

    1. She had fun too, thanks for taking her on a special ice cream date! ;)


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