August 29, 2011

Kickin' into high gear!

   We take the summer off from piano lessons.  It's a nice break.  Usually the girls will still play from time to time, but this summer it didn't happen very often at all.  Amera and Joelle are excited to be practicing routinely again and Amera will begin lessons the first week of September.  She is still teaching Joelle and doing a great job at it!  Joelle has matured so much, I'm so proud of her.

Just a couple samples :)

  The kids are all excited about "Good news club" on Thursday afternoons and "Kids 4 Truth" starting up again on Wednesday nights.  Joelle, Brienne, Javi, and Clara will all have verses to memorize and "Truth books" to work on throughout each week.  Phew! I know that this will completely take over what we are currently doing in Bible, but for the next couple of weeks until it starts, I have a plan.  The idea came to me as we were driving in our van to church.  We were listening to this CD...

   The music is beautiful.  I often like to read along with the lyrics to familiarize myself with the words and to learn them.  But the thought that occurred to me was that my younger children (especially those who aren't reading yet or just hadn't read these lyrics) may not quite be getting the wonderful message that these words deliver.  I decided to use the lyrics to these songs as a teaching tool.  We began after breakfast the other day with "Come to the light".

Like a sunrise slowly spreading
To illumine all the sky,
Comes the Christ into the shadows
Of a world condemned to die.
Great the Light that shines in darkness,
Gracious Dayspring after night:
Christ the gospel truth revealing;
Drawing sinners to the Light.

Darkened soul, behold His glory;
Blinded eyes, receive your sight.  
Sinner, leave your seat of darkness;
Rise and come to the Light!

{2011 by Soundforth    Words by Eileen Berry    Music by James Koerts   Orchestrated by Richard A. Nichols}

   I read this to them and we discussed what light coming into darkness is like.  How it illumines things that you could not see before. We read verses from John chapter one and discussed how we need the light of Christ to enlighten us, to help us to see how wrong the sin in our heart is so that we can turn from it and follow him.  We also talked about how God's Word is a lamp to our feet.  It lights the way for us so that we don't have to grope along in darkness and fall into pits!  And Jesus himself is the Light!

    We concluded that we must humble ourselves before him, stop trying to find our own way, and come to the Light!  Our evil deeds will be exposed, we won't be able to pretend we are good enough for God, but if we are ever going to be healed in our darkest places we have to let the light of Christ shine in.

The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming
into the world.  He was in the world, and the world was
made through him, yet the world did not know him.  He 
came to his own, and his own people did not receive him.

But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name,
he gave the right to become children of God, who were born,
not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man,
but of God.
John 1: 9-13

   It was such a blessed time!  I wanted to keep going, but I decided to keep it under 15 minutes and teach on the second verse this morning before I went out for a coffee date with some ladies.  Learning more about the song and discussing it has deepened our worship.  What joy fills our hearts when we sing praises to him!

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