June 9, 2012

Stop looking for the "perfect church"

Over seven years ago my husband told me that he thought that God was calling him to be a pastor.  After making plans to attend a Bible college, we focused on paying off debt and selling not only our home-but also many of our belongings.  Such as bicycles, jigsaw and table saw.  Basically all of those big things that we weren't sure we would have a place to put in our new dwelling place.  We wanted to begin this "new life" of ours with the lightest load possible.  We wanted to be prepared for anything.  I felt that I was ready and willing to live anywhere and in any condition that God would see fit for us.  I was pretty ambitious about it.  I didn't really know the emotions that I would face once we got there.

I know it was immature of me...but I thought that this move to a new place was the opportunity for us to choose a "just right" home complete with swing set for the kids...which I still don't have by the way!  And we would also choose a "just right" church, with so many to choose from in the "Bible belt" the sky was the limit!   The church would be filled with the "just right" people, who for the most part would have similar preferences and convictions to ours.  It would be glorious!!

Well...it didn't happen.  Are you surprised?  Looking back now, I see how wrong my thinking was and I am glad that God took the time to not give me what I wanted so that I could learn some important lessons that I will always carry with me.

I had so many expectations and ideals.  And I was very fixated on them.  I used to spend a lot of time wishing that things were exactly as I wanted them.  And why is it that when we want things to change, one of our first instincts is to run away.  Instead of effecting change right where we are.  Instead of praying and asking God to work in the hearts of his people.  Instead of being faithful, we want to flee.  I understand that sometimes there are legitimate reasons for leaving, such as a church that is departing from the true gospel.  But I think that we are far more fickle than that.  I know because I have experienced those feelings in my own heart.  Instead of serving God right where we are with our gifts and talents, we want to leave and go somewhere else chasing after an ideal.

Such as a church with more outreach, more children's programs, a better choir, friendlier people, people who recognize our value more often, more homeschoolers, less college students, a youth group that is totally sold out for Christ and are exemplary models for our own youth in all manner of conduct.  We want the best!  We don't like to settle for less.  But just in case you're still thinking that the "perfect church" is out there just waiting for you to find it, let me assure you...you won't find it.

Why?  Because every church is full of imperfect people just like you...and me.

I know that each of us has unique situations that we are struggling with and that we don't have answers for.  You may be feeling unsure as to what to do.  Should you leave or stay where you are?  My point is that people often make this decision far too easily.  It is a serious issue when we run away from our problems seeking after an ideal.  We won't find it.  Every church has it's strengths and weaknesses.  We should be very prayerful and carefully evaluate why we want to leave.  We should seek counselors who may help us to see things from a different perspective.  We shouldn't underestimate how God can use us in powerful ways in the lives of others.  Perhaps God would have you get busy serving him and effect change right where you are?


  1. Ummm yeah. We have been in so many churches and although there were some we left for very legitimate reasons,(pastors affair, or radically emergent views)there were a lot that came down to convenience, people we judged and never really got to know, or our own overly critical spirits. We have been at a new church now for about 2 months and although it's not perfect(what really is?) we are committed to being planted for once. Thanks for the reminder. It's easy to look for a way out rather than dig in.

  2. So true Alia. I am blessed to know that God is teaching you that lesson too. Blessings. :)


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