September 10, 2012

Just for a day {writing prompt}

As the choir sang about the day when our struggles will end and we will gaze on the glory of God, my soul was filled with longing.  I thought of being with God forever.  Praising him forever for his mercy.  

We worship him together here and now, but as I looked up at the choir I imagined the day when we will all stand before God.  Having been redeemed by his mercy and grace.  Our fellowship with one another is sweet and precious.  We have been united with a common bond in Christ!

Last night, Jav took the children home form church in the van and I drove in our other car to get some groceries.  As I went through the store, I noticed many different people. 

I noticed the older woman, with disheveled hair in front of the entrance, hunched over a cart full of groceries and talking to herself. 

I noticed the young people in suits and skirts who looked like they probably just came from church like I did.

I noticed the young mother of two in the produce section.  She was totally decked out in the traditional clothing that women wear in India.  She wore teal colored, sheer and sparkly fabrics.  She really stood out and looked sooooo different from everyone else in the store.  I wondered what that felt like for her.  Did she consider it an honor?  Did she feel completely out of place?  When I spoke to her I soon realized that her English was limited.  We had a little friendly exchange, but again my heart was filled with longing.

When I looked at her, I saw someone very different from me.  But I longed for those barriers to be broken down.  First of all, the language barrier but also the cultural barrier.  I'm sure we are alike in many ways.  We are human and we feel sadness and gladness just the same.  I wondered if she knows the true salvation that is in Christ. 

It saddens me that sometimes, even when we do speak the same language, that there are barriers.  I long for them to be broken down.  Our love for Christ should compel us to love those who need to hear the gospel of his grace and that is something that we cannot always tell by looking on the outside.  But our love for Christ should also compel us to love fellow believers.  It should cause us to break down walls that we sometimes put up because of our differences.  We are one in Christ.

When we are in heaven, it will not matter how we look or what are wearing.  In fact, won't it be robes of white?  I look forward to that day.  And maybe, just maybe, some of the beauty of it can begin here and now.


  1. That is beautiful! I often ask God to help me look at people through His eyes. I struggle, but Nichole shows me how it is done. I have seen her love on the most outwardly "unlovable" people. Wrapping her arms around them, offering her hugs. I have seen tears from those same people who have said, "she makes me feel loved." And I realize how much my daughter, who struggles to speak, can communicate with her actions. She does not need words to express that people matter, that they are loved, and that she cares. What a way she has to share about God's love!

    1. That is just so precious Ellen. Sometimes I wish that we had a little more freedom to express love to other people in our culture. Sometimes we're afraid of looking at someone for too long, or coming across as weird if we show too much love, especially to people we don't really know very well. But people long for that love. I watch how easily people interact with babies and show them love and affection, yet with adults it's so much different. Thankfully, bit by bit those barriers can be broken down.

  2. Lovely. We all smile in the same language. I always tell my husband to make sure he makes eye contact with all of our children everyday. It is amazing how hard that simple task can be! However, eye contact can be seen as rude or shaming in some cultures. So yes, longing for the day we fly away to glory.

  3. I agree with you. Let's just say I have had to grow in my use of eye contact. It definitely takes intentional effort and it's so important in all of our relationships. I try to do better every day because it shows that I am giving my full attention and that I am not afraid of connecting. You're right, it can be hard, but it's so worth the effort. Thank you for your thoughtful comment!


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