January 12, 2013

It's beautiful to me

I am the type that does not feel satisfied until a project is complete.  I am convinced it is a strength as well as a weakness.  The drive to finish certainly helps me to get things done, but it also makes me a little impatient when I have put things off because, well, life is happening...at full speed.  But once I have accomplished what I set out to do, it is so rewarding.

I am not posting these pictures because I expect you to be impressed with how amazing my room is.  It doubles as an office.  It's small.  It's a pretty ordinary place with cheap bookshelves and thrift store finds.  But I am just glad that God has taught me to rejoice in the blessings he has given me (it's been a work in progress) and to do my best to make this room a place that I want to linger in throughout the day. 

It's a place to have a quiet moment to regain some sanity...to slip in and and quietly close the door to pray a desperate plea to God for the grace and help not to totally blow it...to talk with my husband privately...to comfort and disciple my children.  I have taught school lessons while ironing at the same time.  This is definitely a room that is used all day and it really needed help!  I needed to feel at rest when I entered, not have my stress level rise.

Having art on my walls makes me feel a little more of a sense of order and also gives me more motivation to keep it that way.  I do a lot of laundry friends.  This is the place where the dreaded laundry will often be folded and then need to be put away.  It is my weakness and the thing I try to put off the most.  But there is nothing worse than hunting for a needed item when I am in a rush to go somewhere and I can't find it anywhere!  I want to experience that as little as possible.  It takes work and sometimes it seems like the laundry never ends and it feels so mundane!  But, as I keep teaching my kids, God has given us these responsibilities and meeting them is important and worthwhile.  

I am finding that the more I beautify my little spaces, the more I want to keep them that way.  I understand, this might not mean a thing to some, but it's meant a lot to me.  I spend a lot of time in them. ;)


Some more details if you're interested...

~I bought the frames at thrift stores for six dollars or less and painted them.  I cut duck cloth to size.  I cut pieces of fabric and hot glued it to the duck cloth.  Very fun project.  You can find a picture of something you like online and use it as a guide for cutting pieces of fabric.  Lowe's sells paint in sample sizes which is perfect for painting frames.

~I bought a king-sized sheet at a thrift store for three dollars.   I strategically used the seams that were already there so that I would have less sewing to do.  I bought linen at Walmart and sewed a strip on the outer edge of each panel, it helped to make them bigger and I love linen so it was perfect.

~I used the same fabrics from the curtains and the wall art to make the pillow cover.

~The duvet cover, as I mentioned in another post, is made from two queen-sized sheets that I sewed together, also thrift store finds!

I really didn't have to spend much money and it was so fun to do!

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!  God's blessings abound!

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Your pillow is so cute. Everything looks so much brighter and very cheerful! I hope you are enjoying your "new" space. :O)


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