January 21, 2013

She inspires me {our daughter, Amera}

Amera is someone that often acquires skill by simply messing around with things.  She doesn't typically need a book or instructions.  And she is not too afraid or intimidated by new things.  She loves a good challenge and she enjoys figuring out how things work.  She has taught herself how to use computer programs.  She begins with a desire to learn how they work and then she "plays"  ;) .  This is her approach to most things in life.  I admire her fearlessness.  I think that sometimes I am too concerned that if I mess around I will create a problem that will be hard to fix.  More and more, I am learning to set those concerns aside and just go for it. She inspires me.  It just amazes me sometimes how she figures things out.  She reminds me so much of her dad.

Amera is very interested in computer animation.  She is an artist and loves to draw.  I remember when she was four years old and she filled a little sketch book with drawings that her mom and dad bragged about.  Now we brag even more!  Ha! :)  Seriously though, it's such a blessing to see the gifts that God has given her.

She drew the flower up there in my header.  Then she taught me how to add color to it on the computer.  I love this girl!  She loves to help me with these things too, which is really sweet of her.

Please pray that Amera will be sensitive to God's leading and direction in her life.  Pray that she will use her gifts to glorify God and that she will determine to develop her gifts as much as she possibly can.  We are beginning to look ahead a little bit, looking at potential colleges that she might attend.  Pray that Christ would always be at the center of her life and foremost in her affections.

"We love you Amera and we have already seen God's work in your life.  We trust that he has great things in store for you and look forward to it all with great anticipation.  Always remember that your gifts are from an amazing God who loves you deeply.  Use them all for his honor and glory and may he bless your efforts to serve him."


  1. This is beautiful, just like Amera! I love your writings, Marisha, and wish I had time to read each of them. Maybe later... God bless you and Javier as you continue to train your children in God's ways!

    1. Thank you for such kind words Rita! God bless you too! Having you in our Bible study group has been such a blessing. Looking forward to it starting up again! :)


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