January 7, 2013

Why I write {writing prompt}

My desire to write is very strong.  I daydream about it, I long for it, I look forward to it.  Putting my thoughts into words makes me happy.  

When at first I begin to form words with my pen or with clacking keys, I do not always know where I will end up.  At least, not at first.  But once I set out on the course, it's like a gate opens up for me.  It is so exciting to feel as though I am running through that gate toward my prize.  It is a feeling of victory as the words I am longing to communicate freely flow.

Each post, to me, is like a mini-masterpiece.  Not trying to sound boastful, just being honest.  Yes, I am sure that I make my share of grammatical mistakes and that my writing is not without it's flaws and annoying quirks.  I will probably never be considered an amazing writer or have an impact on the lives of thousands...but even just one life?  That is what keeps me going sometimes.

You see, for a large portion of my life I have influenced people in ways that were not good for them or for me.  It is something that grieves me now in very profound ways.  The choices that we make in life are a tremendous responsibility we must bear...whether we realize it or not.  Yes, there is forgiveness in Christ and yes, there is cleansing when we turn to him but the lives of others are influenced in ways that we cannot erase.

All that to say I have a passion for the truth to be made known.  The truth about who God is, what he has done and what he is doing.  And part of what he is doing, wonder of wonders, is actually within my very own heart.  Maybe, just maybe, something He has taught me will encourage someone else along the way.  

I really do enjoy writing (blogging) but it does take a level of sticktuitiveness (I think that's a word! ;) to keep at it.  It is a commitment.  Sometimes writing is not always like charging through the opened gate at full speed.  Sometimes I am nowhere near the gate and it takes days to figure out how to get there. 

It is only because I love writing and because I love to share my heart that I continue to keep my eyes open--searching for that gate and running as fast as I can when it opens up for me.  To me, that is one of the most amazing experiences ever.

Linking up for the writing prompt here: http://www.ellenstumbo.com/why-i-write/


{P.S.  I really, really want to focus more on photography 
and have more fun with my camera.  I'm making plans...} ;)


  1. So true about our responsibility in the way we influence others. Thanks for that reminder!

  2. Your words have often touched my heart, so thank you!


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