February 26, 2013

Hearts that need mending

It amazes how my husband can say the simplest of things and it can be just what I need to hear.  How is it that a mere sentence, spoken with love can affect so much?  He calls me from time to time throughout my day.  He doesn't call every single time he is at work, but sometimes he does...he calls to see how I am doing.

It's a relief to me when he calls.  I'm not saying I always unload to him everything I am going through but I do  think it's important to keep him in the loop concerning how I am really doing as well as things that are happening with the kids.

Today his phone call came right in the middle of a motherhood moment with a child who finally caved in to the tears they were on the verge of throughout the morning.  Tears that, I confess, bothered me.  After listening to my child tell me all about it and hearing that these tears were all about something that they wanted but could not have...my heart sank.

There I was in my bedroom chair, mending holes with a thread and needle, and now I would try my best to mend my child's heart.  But really, without God and his Word, I would be lost.  Amazing that God can fix these problems we have.  That he can speak love, goodness, and faithfulness to us when we covet what others have.  That we can learn to be content with what he has given and to trust that he is still good.

My child lay there with tears streaming down.  I did not feel pity.  Nor did I wish that I could run out and buy them exactly what they wanted.  I knew that this was right where they needed to be.  Whatever happened in my child's heart I do not know.  All I know is that I pointed them to the goodness of God.  I prompted thanksgiving.  I walked through the process of redirecting thoughts and desires.  I attempted to realign and make straight all the crooked parts.  And this is a mother's work, is it not?

Back to my husband's phone call.  You know what he said?

"I'm so glad you're there."  

Wow.  It felt so good to hear him say that.  It made me feel like all of the time and energy I am investing in my family is worth it.  Oh, believe me, sometimes I want to get away.  I do not always feel like doing everything in my job description.  But I am still learning that the place I most often need to get away to is in prayer.  I have often felt like Susanna Wesley.  Have you ever heard about how she would throw her apron over her head and just pray right then and there?  That's me.  Although it's usually with a blanket.  The kids are usually very curious...

"Mommy, what are you doing?"

My thoughts?  The best thing I can do.

My words? "Praying honey.  Mommy's praying."

It's good for them to see that.  I need God just as much as they do.


  1. Being this far down the road, I can agree with Javier. No one can take the place of Mom. And moms can never go back and reclaim opportunities missed by being somewhere else. I have found seeds sown in those early years with our boys have yielded fruit far sweeter than the all the toil God gave me grace to struggle through. There is no job or amount of money that is more important than, or worth trading, what you do every day, Marisha.

    1. Your words are so encouraging to me Rhonda, thank you!

  2. Such an encouraging post Marisha.
    Thank you for your transparency.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. It's amazing how much happens on any given day. It is a good feeling to be able to capture at least a snippet of it all. Thank you for reading along. :)

  3. I really enjoyed this post. I just found your blog and it's lovely. I'll be back!!

  4. Thank you, Tori! You have a lovely blog as well. Happy to meet you!


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