March 1, 2013

Trying to keep the grouchies away

So here it is.  A little portrait of mommyhood for you.  It was one of those days where Isabel cried at every turn.  Some of it may have been illness related, some of it just plain grouchiness.  I'd try to get her settled, try to get her involved in playing with something...give her a snack, give her some, hug, snuggle and repeat...but it wasn't long before I ran out of options of things to keep her happy.  That is when I find myself resorting to a bath (even if she doesn't need it) because at least she is always happy in the tub.  :)  

I took this photo just after one of those happiness inducing baths.  It reminds me of how tough days come and (eventually) they also go.  The children grow and change.  They move in and out of phases and stages.  
Isabel is learning that we can only hold her and give her attention for so long...and hopefully she is also learning that, though we love her dearly, she is not the center of our universe.

She is definitely going through some changes.  Longer nap times have us thinking "Wow, I can't believe she's still asleep."  Fussier awake times have us wondering "Is it bedtime yet?"

And through it all we are tried.  And we deal with the hard reality that things will not always run as smoothly as we wish they would.  We do whatever we can to help her.  Walk outside and get some fresh air, twirl around on the living room floor together while listening to classical music...she loves these things!  But even those things come to an end and sometimes we are right back where we started, just trying to keep the grouchiness at bay.

We certainly appreciate the smiles so much more now that they don't seem to come so easily.  We'll get through this Isabel, I know we will.  :)


  1. The baby and toddler stages have been the hardest for me, so far! So many days were just like the one you described. Prayed for you just now, Marisha...God's strength, patience, and wisdom. Praying that your weekend is happy and restful!

    1. Thank you for praying for me Jacqui, that is so encouraging. :) I'm looking forward to this weekend. A little extra time with daddy often does wonders for Isabel's mood and mine! :) Enjoy your weekend as well!


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